Adularia is the title of my upcoming dungeon crawler style board game! This site catalogues the artwork for this project and will provide a journal of progress and links to crowdfunding pages. Please see the Artwork link at the top of the page ( = sign at the top right of the page on mobile) for my illustrations for this project and for the prequel “choose your own adventure” story Adularia Yatra which will be released separately. If you would like to donate to this project, please consider dropping a huge donation to :

Mattemashita Illustration presents Adularia!

Adularia is a water world ravaged by extreme weather conditions. For a millenia Adularia’s moon has steadily disintegrated after the four goddesses attempted to harness its power. Its remains formed an unstable ring around the planet causing erratic weather patterns and regular meteor showers. The few human survivors of this blighted world live within high walled and magically shielded towns and cities that tower above the toxic miasma that eminates from fissures in the torn fabric of this plane.

Create, don’t scrape!